Serious in the sun
This is my cousin's daughter posing for a photo in India. As you can see she has a very serious look (it may have to do with the fact that her aunts made her get changed and wear makeup for the photo).
She's normally a happy smiling kid so the fact that she just stared at the camera makes the photo more interesting.
The soft natural light coming from the window and the slightly soft focus give the photo a nice look.
Canon 20D, 50mm 1.4, AV f5.6
You can tell she doesn't like posing.
Indeed she looks afraid!
No smiling kid here!
Anyway a lovely child and a great portrait!
Beautiful lighting, too.
Thanks for the comments.
Despite this image she's actually a very happy kid who's always smiling.
I thought taking this photo when she was not smiling would capture a look most people don't see.
I think she's gorgeous and in deep thought. I love when kids look like this - they're soaking up their world. Lovely lighting and capture.
It made her look interesting I say.
looking at the photo makes me feel sad :(
i guess it's best taking photos of kids when they're acting spontaneously?
but...something i thought of while looking at this photo - it's amazing how intense the emotions are that child portraits evoke within the person checking out the photo...
Thanks for the comments.
And just to reassure everyone, she really was happy to be photographed, I think the combination of nervousness and the light from the window made her look more serious than she normally is.
Thanks Anna,
This is one of my favorite portraits. Just has a real look to it unlike many posed photographs.
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